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#IAMBristol 2017: Reporting Islamophobia Resilience Workshop

#IAMBristol 2017: Reporting Islamophobia Resilience Workshop

Categories: Past Event Articles

Friday May 25 2018

Last year, over 3000 racial and religious hate crimes have been recorded in South West England. Anti-Muslim hate crimes are the most underreported crimes and the main reason for that is victims think that the police will not do anything!

This has been detrimental in having an accurate record of the scale of Islamophobia and in identifying the hot spots of these Islamophobic crimes. To tackle this problem, MEND in collaboration with Bristol Islamic society and the BME network at university of Bristol student union, delivered a workshop to raise awareness about the police’s role and to empower the victims to report by equipping them with the tools and tips they need. The workshop was interactive and answered many questions that victims had. Some of the attendees were victims themselves to such crimes and found a relief in sharing their experiences with others during the workshop, knowing they were not the only ones.  MEND bucket size reporting toolkit was distributed, hoping that no more victims will be suffering in silence.


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